[PlanetCCRMA] Q: How to select files in GNOME?

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Wed Jan 4 12:20:02 PST 2006

On Wednesday 04 January 2006 17:09, D. R. Evans wrote:
> Steve Harris said the following at 2006-01-04 08:39 :
> > In alsaplayer I see a list of directories on the left, and a list of
> > files on the right.
> Since the list of directories I see is rooted in /, I expect to see no
> files (since there aren't any files in /, just directories). I just can't
> figure out how to move away from the / directory. Nothing I do seems to
> have any effect whatsoever.
>    Doc

Hi Doc. I don't use Gnome, but prefer KDE which is also installed on my Fedora 
installs. I use FC1,2 and 3. I've poked about in Gnome a bit on FC2 and 3. 
Alsaplayer in Gnome on FC2 shows in "Add files" my home directories, and 
works ok. In FC3, Alsaplayer shows ./ and ../ . Although as I already have a 
file loaded into Alsaplayer from KDE I have  a load of files on the files 
side, and Alsaplayer immediately plays when opening it. Above the Directories 
& Files panes I have a browser which shows the following.
/home/djmons/Music/Thorsten Wilms

What do you see in this browser?

If I choose /home/djmons/Music in the browser the other directories show up in 
the Directories side, and clicking on these show the files on the File side.

Which Fedora version are you using, And do you have both KDE and Gnome 
installed on it?

The only time I had a problem with accessing the home directory was when 
trying to login to KDE. Somehow permissions had changed, and as the KDE 
config stuff is in the home directory, I couldn't login.

Are you able to open your /home directory from the desktop. If so. What 
happens when you click on a music file? I can't help much on this as I have 
Realplayer installed for Internet radio, and Realplayer as it does in Windows 
thinks it's the only media player in existance. Clicking on a music file for 
me, just brings up that darned thing and plays the music. Right clicking on 
the file does give you some other options. I'm trying to see if there may be 
a problem with Nautilus for some reason. 

Now this is interesting, and is with FC3. Right clicking on the music file, 
then selecting "Open with Other Application" brings up a browser. If I select 
Alsaplayer it plays the file ok. Incidentally I only get various media player 
options on FC2, not a browser that allows me to specify a media player.

I'm not going to suggest you use KDE. I prefer it, but that's just me. 

Feedback apprecated. as this is a bit weird. Nigel.
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