[PlanetCCRMA] Q: How to select files in GNOME?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 07:25:02 PST 2006

Steve Harris said the following at 2006-01-04 04:54 :

> Sounds like a software problem, if I double click a file in alsaplayer the
> dialoge closes and the file is loaded.

I can't get to a file. All I have is a list of directories.

I have the current CCRMA distro installed. apt says that there are no 
updates/upgrades to install. Everything else seems to be working fine (I 
spent several hours being somewhat productive with hydrogen, jack and 
ardour yesterday, and apart from my inablity to figure out how to import 
sound files everything worked as it should).


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