[PlanetCCRMA] Re: ccrma on gentoo

Gwen Stouthuysen gwen.stouthuysen at telenet.be
Tue Feb 21 00:10:02 PST 2006


The discussion on Gentoo is going on for a while now.

The problem I have with the actual PlanetCCRMA is that they only can start with a new distro when the base dist is stable. FC4 is out for a while and still there is no clear WoW, I had to reinstall it, whiping of all refs to Blas and LApack (which I need professionally) and changing the APT-config's to have it at least installing the kernel. 

There is a different way of doing things: look at www.CEALinux.com

They base on a light distro, add what they need and repack it in a live DVD.
If it works on your PC, you can easely install it with an application on the desktop.

If you could build a PlanetCCRMA distro the same way, the hustle with APT and YUM is finished and at CCRMA they know the exact environment at installation time. When you want extra's there is always YUM (which works better than APT-get in FC4)

The only difference is that the people who work on CAELinux are engineers and mathematics, high level code is what they dream of. The PlanetCCRMA users just want to have a system that runs. 

At the moment I'm building BPMdj-2.9 and Beatforce-0.2 on my FC4 and gues what: I'm having huge trouble with QT and LD. Which is a bit strange as you would expect that every developper for KDE has to go through this fase. (or is Qt old school by now) If someone has a tip he is welcome.

Gwen Stouthuysen

Sorry for the language, I'm native Flemish-Belgian

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