[PlanetCCRMA] Re: From zero to DAW in 2 hours !

Bal Dobe baldobe2000 at yahoo.de
Fri Feb 17 03:26:02 PST 2006

I corrected that typo in #4 and then did the other apt -get commands.
 At init 6 I got the same error.

I have done a media test on the install dvd and result is pass.

What next?

Shall I try and do another install this time WITHOUT selinux?


-----Original Message-----
From: David Slimp [mailto:rock808 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 10:34 AM
To: Bal Dobe
Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.stanford.edu
Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: From zero to DAW in 2 hours !

Hmmm.. there's a type in #4 (as root) that was not corrected....
Not sure what screwiness that might be causing.
(Fernando and other CCRMA specialists would know)

You could try line just re-doing line #4 again.. and then all the
apt-get lines.. just to see if that makes a difference.

If you have not done the media check on your 4 install CDs
I think you should do that too.


On 2/17/06, Bal Dobe <baldobe2000 at yahoo.de> wrote:
> David,
> Now here is the history as root. There was a typo on line 4 and 87!
> Hope that this can help track down the problem.
>     1  switchdesk KDE
>     2  logout
>     3  rpm -Uvh
> i386.rpm
>     4  rpm --import
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/plnaetccrma/RPM-GPG-KEY.plnaetccrma.txt
>     5  apt-get update
>     6  apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge
>     7  init 6
>     8  play usr/share/sounds/KDE_Startup_new.wav
>     9  play /user/share/soundsKDE_Startup_new.wav
>    10  alsamixer
>    11  play /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Startup_new.wav
>    12  exit
>    13  apt-get install planetccrma-audioapps
>    14  apt-get -f install
>    15  apt-get update
>    16  apt-get dist-upgrade
>    17  Reading Package Lists... Done
>    18  Building Dependency Tree... Done
>    19  You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
>    20  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>    21    audit#0.8.2-1: Depends: audit-libs (= 0.8.2-1) but
1.0.14-1.fc4 is
> to be insta
>    22  lled
>    23    planetccrma-audioapps: Depends: aeolus but it is not going to
> installed
>    24                           Depends: aeolus-stops
>    25                           Depends: alsaplayer but it is not
going to
> be installed
>    26                           Depends: amb-plugins but it is not
going to
> be installe
>    27  d
>    28                           Depends: ams but it is not going to be
> installed
>    29                           Depends: amsynth but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    30                           Depends: ardour but it is not going to
> installed
>    31                           Depends: audacity but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    32                           Depends: bitscope but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    33                           Depends: blop but it is not going to
> installed
>    34                           Depends: brutefir but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    35                           Depends: caps but it is not going to
> installed
>    36                           Depends: ceres3 but it is not going to
> installed
>    37                           Depends: cheesetracker but it is not
> to be instal
>    38  led
>    39                           Depends: clm-cmucl but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    40                           Depends: cltl2 but it is not going to
> installed
>    41                           Depends: cmt but it is not going to be
> installed
>    42                           Depends: csound but it is not going to
> installed
>    43                           Depends: csound-devel but it is not
going to
> be install
>    44  ed
>    45                           Depends: denemo but it is not going to
> installed
>    46                           Depends: dssi but it is not going to
> installed
>    47                           Depends: ecamegapedal but it is not
going to
> be install
>    48  ed
>    49                           Depends: ecasound but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    50                           Depends: fil-plugins but it is not
going to
> be installe
>    51  d
>    52                           Depends: fluidsynth but it is not
going to
> be installed
>    53                           Depends: freqtweak but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    54                           Depends: galan but it is not going to
> installed
>    55                           Depends: gamix but it is not going to
> installed
>    56                           Depends: gmorgan but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    57                           Depends: hexter but it is not going to
> installed
>    58                           Depends: hydrogen but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    59                           Depends: hydrogen-drumkits but it is
> going to be in
>    60  stalled
>    61                           Depends: hyperspec but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    62                           Depends: jaaa but it is not going to
> installed
>    63                           Depends: jack-audio-connection-kit but
it is
> not going
>    64  to be installed
>    65                           Depends:
> jack-audio-connection-kit-example-clients but
>    66  it is not going to be installed
>    67                           Depends: jackmix but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    68                           Depends: jack-rack but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    69                           Depends: jamin but it is not going to
> installed
>    70                           Depends: japa but it is not going to
> installed
>    71                           Depends: kmidimon but it is not going
to be
> installed
>    72                           Depends: ladcca
>    73                           Depends: ladspa but it is not going to
> installed
>    74                           Depends: ladspa-devel but it is not
going to
> be install
>    75  ed
>    76                           Depends: libecasoundc but it is not
going to
> be install
>    77  ed
>    78                           Depends: libfishsound but it is not
going to
> be install
>    79  ed
>    80                           Depends: libfluidsynth but it is not
> to be instal
>    81  led
>    82                           Depends: libgig but it is not going to
> installed
>    83                           Depends: liblo but it is not going to
>    84  apt-get -f install
>    85  apt-get -f install
>    86  apt-get dist-upgrade
>    87  wget ftp://ftp.personalcopy.net/pub/PC5f.sf2.gz {typo}
>    88  wget ftp://ftp.personalcopy.net/pub/PC51f.sf2.gz
>    89  wget ftp://ftp.personalcopy.net/pub/Unison.sf2.gz
>    90  switchdesk KDE
>    91  logout
>    92  init 6
>    93  history
>    94  history
>    95  history
> [root at localhost ~]#
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Slimp [mailto:rock808 at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 4:13 AM
> To: Bal Dobe
> Cc: planetccrma at ccrma.stanford.edu
> Subject: Re: [PlanetCCRMA] Re: From zero to DAW in 2 hours !
> First... Kelly... thanks for your input/confirmation on the intel8x0
> 1010LT not working together.
> Next, Bal...
> I saw you were getting several strange "not going to be installed"
> in one of your previous emails.  That bothers me... those apps SHOULD
> have been installed just fine.... but then I saw you do 'apt-get if
> and 'apt-get dis-upgrade' after that, and everything seemed to be
> You did not copy the command you used to get that started in to
> your email, so I'm not sure WHAT you might have done there.
> Also, my instructions said to run this:
> apt-get install planetccrma-audiovideoapps
> Did you do something differently?
> I then noticed there was a type when you were downloading PC51f.sf2.gz
> so that makes me think you are typing these commands by hand rather
> than copy/paste what I've written? -- I'd suggest copy/paste to be
> sure no typos are made :)
> Finally, you said you can't shut down, but did not say what you were
> typing/clicking that didn't work.
> I usually reboot by typing (as root from command line):  init 6
> I do see all the apps in my menus, so you should too.
> I seem to be using gnome, rather than KDE, so does that
> mean you've already been doing some playing around and
> changing some things to get yourself in to KDE?
> It might be best to run the 'history' command (as your user and root),
> and paste all the output here in email.... make sure none of it gives
> away anything that could compromise your system, but if you've
> run a command or two (maybe typo) that could have done something
> bad, it would be good to know. :)
> david
> On 2/16/06, Bal Dobe <baldobe2000 at yahoo.de> wrote:
> > Ok now that I have installed all the ccrma audio apps I have two
> > problems:
> >
> > 1 I can not see any of the audio apps in the KDE menu system. When I
> > installed ccrma on FC3 I had a whole load of apps in the sound &
> > section.  This happens in both FC4 and FC4 ccrma.
> >
> > 2) I can not shut the machine down. I get an error in a CLI screen
> > says [<c0103a51>] syscall_call +0x7/0xb
> >
> > So what do I do I do next?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___________________________________________________________
> > Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:
> >
> >
> --
> David Slimp
> rock808 at gmail.com
> http://www.MySpace.com/rock808
> =
> "On proprietary platforms, eventually you'll run into 'you can't do
>  On open platforms, you'll run into 'you have to learn more to do
that.' "
>  -- Ian Smith-Heisters

David Slimp
rock808 at gmail.com

"On proprietary platforms, eventually you'll run into 'you can't do
 On open platforms, you'll run into 'you have to learn more to do that.'
  -- Ian Smith-Heisters


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