[PlanetCCRMA] From zero to DAW in 2 hours !

David Slimp rock808 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 13:51:00 PST 2006

Yes.  If you already have a (somewhat) fresh install of FC4
then that should be fine to put CCRMA on top of.

I think it's very important that you have not already mixed
up different repositories, to keep that variable to a minumum.

The Julia card should be fine, but perhaps someone else
on this list who's using a similar card would be nice enough
to chime in and just let everyone know if there are
any "gotchas".

Hope it's working for you soon!


On 2/15/06, Bal Dobe <baldobe2000 at yahoo.de> wrote:
> David this is great, thank you very much for taking the time to post
> these instructions.
> I just want to ask a couple of things; I already have FC4 working, could
> not just try and install ccrma on that?
> If I have no luck with the above then I will wipe everything on sda,
> that is FC3 & FC4, and reload FC3 and then FC4.  The only reason I
> loaded FC3 was to use ccrma, I believe that ccrma for FC3 is stable
> whilst I had problems with FC4 last time.
> The sound card I have is a $250 ESI Julia Pro, I know that drivers are
> not specifically available but I also know that I get sound out with
> FC4, so it must be possible for it to work.
> Let me know what you think about these two issues, I plant to try and
> install ccrma on FC4 tonight and then maybe try a fresh install if I
> have to over the weekend.
> Thanks again.
> Bal Dobe.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
> [mailto:planetccrma-admin at ccrma.Stanford.EDU] On Behalf Of David Slimp
> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 5:27 PM
> To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU; Bal Dobe
> Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] From zero to DAW in 2 hours !
> My short little How-To which took me from fresh install to perfect DAW
> in 2 hours.
> I'll be expanding on this soon, but Bal wants help "now" so I thought
> I'd get this out ASAP :)
> First, let me say I've spent the previous 2-3 weeks trying to get my
> system
> up and running with Linux audio/DAW stuff.  It's been very frustrating,
> and
> I'm not a linux newbie.  But lots of reading to trying one thing then
> another
> to massage my system in to a DAW.  It was all BS.  My two BIGGEST
> factors were (1) Trying to get the internal sound card to work, and
> after
> a few days, then trying a $30 SB Live card which still had problems
> (2) Trying to install CCRMA on a system I'd been running for 6 months
> already, not intending it to be a DAW at that time (using various other
> repositories, etc).
> Because of that I wasted 2-3 weeks, many body cells died due to
> high-stress,
> and I took several people's time on several mailing lists away from
> probably
> more important things.
> Here's the 2 hour, stress-free solution I ended up with:
> 1) Don't try to work with any cheap/internal cards.  If you're SERIOUS
> about
> audio on linux spend the $100-$200 on a WELL supported, fully featured
> card.
> I decided on the Delta 1010LT since it seems a majority of people on
> these
> lists seem to use that card, and everyone says it's a dream to get
> working.
> 2) Install a FRESH version of Fedora Core 4.  Don't be whiney that
> you've
> worked hard on your system and like your configuration.  You're not
> going
> to be doing what you HAD been doing with the machine... it's going to be
> your awesome DAW now.. so start it out from ground zero to be JUST that!
> You can always restore any other important config stuff later.
> (oh... I picked ext2 for my file system type, since I've read it works
> better than
> ext3 for audio)
> 3) Once FC4 was installed, I followed this EXACT proceedure:
> # PART 1
> #
> #   For installing Planet CCRMA I basically followed
> #   http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/installtwosix.html
> #   But here is the more compact break down for MY personal actions
> #
> # install CCRMA version of apt
> rpm -Uvh
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/rpms/apt-0.5.15cnc6-4.rhfc4.cc
> rma.i386.rpm
> # install GPG key for verifying packages
> rpm --import
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/RPM-GPG-KEY.planetccrma.txt
> # update apt package lists
> apt-get update
> # install CCRMA kernel and ALSA drivers
> apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge
> # reboot in to new kernel
> # (note, if you run this as a script, it will NOT automatically
> #  pick up where it leaves off after this :)
> init 6
> # PART 2
> #  I raised volume levels on mixer and tested sound
> alsamixer    # for my Delta 1010LT I raised the DAC/DAC1 - hooked to
> speakers
> play /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Startup_new.wav
> # install all cool audio/video apps
> apt-get install planetccrma-audiovideoapps
> # At THIS point qjackctl, ardour, etc is working.
> # make sure EVERYTHING is up to date
> apt-get update
> apt-get dist-upgrade
> #
> # while the above is downloading/installing - config apps as regular
> user
> #
> # grab some cool sound fonts
> wget ftp://ftp.personalcopy.net/pub/PC51f.sf2.gz
> wget ftp://ftp.personalcopy.net/pub/Unison.sf2.gz
> # start jack GUI - set Frames/Period = 512
> # set to START auto:  Misc->Start jack server on app startup
> qjackctl &
> # start qsynth
> # Audio->Sample Rate = 48000
> # load Soundfonts (you need to gunzip the ones above, and put in a good
> dir)
> # use qjackctl to connect 1010LT midi out to fluidsynth in
> qsynth &
> exit
> ===============
> Okay.. that's all I have for now, but should have you up and running
> If you follow that and STILL have problems, then post them here.
> My time line actually went like this:
> #  08:30 - I started installing
> #  09:10 - First boot (get apt, kernel)
> #  09:44 - Boot to CCRMA kernel (install audio/video apps)
> #  10:15 - Running jack/ardour
> Good luck !
> David

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