[PlanetCCRMA] hardware question - USB and Firewire

Charlls Quarra charlls_quarra at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Feb 14 16:52:01 PST 2006


Jan Depner <eviltwin69 at cableone.net> escribió:
    Firewire is iffy at best right now.  No one really wants to release

 This is a widespread myth which i found myself believing too just until a few days ago, BridgeCo released full specs about their software protocol
 Apparently some manufacturers shipping with BeBoP (like presonus and maudio) have also donated hardware to FreeBoB developers (but this could be also a myth :) )
 These devices will eventually get full support under linux as the drivers code evolve
 The only manufacturers that are not releasing specs for their hardware is RME (which was previously known for its nice linux support until they started releasing firewire interfaces) and Motu. These interfaces will likely never be supported on linux unless those companies change their aptitude

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