[PlanetCCRMA] setting yum repositories (fc3)

PMG p_m_groarke at yahoo.ca
Sat Feb 11 22:16:01 PST 2006

Hey! Still me. I've been fiddling around with the
yum.conf file I was taking about, and i'm not sure if
I got it right. Here is what I've added:

##   CCRMA   ##

name=CCRMA Software
fedora/3/i386 planetccrma

name=CCRMA Updates
fedora/3/i386 core updates

name=CCRMA Core install
fedora/3/i386 planetcore

I've been searching for progs and tried an update (yum
update) and haven't gotten any result (I probably need
an update since I've been running CCRMA for quite a
while now).

See ya, Phil


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