[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA is ruining my life (or at least mymachine)

webmaster at freejazz.org webmaster at freejazz.org
Mon Feb 6 13:21:02 PST 2006

Quoting Don Levey <planetccrma at the-leveys.us>:
> Unfortunately, Dag doesn't seem to have the MP3/DVD applications that I'm
> using, and the US-based Fedora Core repositories (well, any official Fedora
> repository) won't have them either due to patents, DMCA, and other
> considerations.  So Livna is it, and is well-recommended by the Fedora
> User's list (on which both Red Hat and the Fedora team have a heavy
> presence).

I forget which apps you're using, but I use a wide range of MP3/DVD programs,
and I've been able to get them all from the RPMforge family. Hint: Dries is
doing most of the FC4 packages...




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