John Dey jsdey at optonline.net
Mon Feb 6 11:27:01 PST 2006


AMD has worked well for me.  I have a AMD 64 and would recommend 
AGAINST that architecture if you want a low latency kernel.  I have 
several AMD x86 and have used FC3 planet CCRMA and have had great 
support but none of my problems have been due to AMD.

On Feb 6, 2006, at 1:37 PM, Roy Vestal wrote:

> I'm looking at purchasing a new machine for my studio. Is there a 
> reason NOT to go with AMD? I'm using Ardour/Audacity and a Java based 
> product LAOE. I will also be doing some video editing on this machine.
> TIA,
> Roy Vestal
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