[PlanetCCRMA] Snd, pd, or CSound?

Luc Tanguay lucus at sympatico.ca
Fri Feb 3 15:34:00 PST 2006

Here my 2c.

csound will let you do whatever noise you want.  Very powerful but a 
steep learning curve (as you said).  Great if you want to do sound 
experiment.  It is a language to create sound, and if you have the time, 
music...  The Csound community seems to be very active (take a look at 
'blue' http://www.csounds.com/stevenyi/blue/ ).

SND is more like Audacity or Rezound.  You manipulate sound created by 
some other means.

As for 'pd' I have no experience with it.


Brian Good a écrit :

> Hi all,
> After just fooling around with Timidity and Zyn and Muse and ReZound 
> and Hydrogen and Rosegarden
> and Audacity for a year, I'm wishing to invest the time in learning 
> Snd or pd or CSound.
> Can anybody expound on their relative merits?  That I have library 
> reference access to Boulanger's
> book leans me toward CSound.  I've done simple C programming and I've 
> progammed pic
> microcontrollers, so working in code doesn't bother me, but since the 
> learning curve for all these
> packages seems pretty steep I'd like to pick my mountain carefully.
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