[PlanetCCRMA] Re: planetccrma FC5 recompiling kernel problem

Luis Garrido luisgarrido at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Aug 22 03:00:03 PDT 2006

> > ndiswrapper to compile and work. This is, I think, an incompatibility
> > between the realtime preemption patch and ndiswrapper.

An update to this topic.

I was curious about what the problem was. Until now I was running
ndiswrapper 1.10. After some testing it seems that there is indeed
incompatibility between the realtime preemption patch and _recent_
versions of ndiswrapper. For the record, 1.16 (2006-05-06) works and
versions >= 1.17 don't, so stick to 1.16 if you want the best of both



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