[PlanetCCRMA] Re: planetccrma FC5 recompiling kernel problem

Martin Dupras martin.dupras at uwe.ac.uk
Sun Aug 20 15:38:01 PDT 2006

Many, many thanks. It is much clearer now. I would suggest putting that 
explanation somwhere on the planetccrma website, I'm sure it will be 
very helpful to someone sometime.

It looks like it's probably not really worth it trying to get 
ndiswrapper to work at this stage, especially seeing as I seem to have 
an otherwise relatively stable system.

All I really care about is being able to use my laptop for performance. 
For that I really do need wireless. Would it be advisable to get some 
usb or pcmcia or pc express or express/34 wifi card, and can anyone 
recommend one that is likely to play nice with planetccrma?

I know there's an Intel driver for my particular built-in wifi card 
(w3945abg), but it needs compiling against the kernel sources, which 
brings me back to problem number one.

Many thanks for all the help!

- martin

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-08-20 at 17:45 +0100, Martin Dupras wrote:
>> ok. I thought kernel-smp-devel *was* the sources package. What is it
>> then?
>> Many thanks for the help. Am downloading the src.rpm package now. I'll
>> see how I get on.
> Sorry about all this.
> Software in Linux distributions is mostly distributed in the form of
> packages. In the case of redhat/fedora it is rpm packages. Planet CCRMA
> kernels are rpm packages and are built from a source package (an rpm as
> well), those end in .src.rpm. Installing one puts the original source
> and all patches in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/ and a file that is used to
> orchestrate the build process (a "spec" file) in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS.
> You use the rpmbuild command with the spec file as an argument to start
> a rebuild. For kernels the process is a bit more complicated and beyond
> the scope of this email, I think (you need to specify the architecture
> you are building for, etc, etc).
> As for your original problem. You seem to have the proper kernel and
> kernel-devel packages installed.
>> Now today's problem: I need ndiswrapper for my builtin wireless card.
>> Unfortunately, 'make' stalls with the following message:
>> "*** Warning: "there_is_ni_init_MUTEX_LOCKED_for_RT_semaphores"
>> [/tmp/ndiswrapper-1.21/driver/ndiswrapper.ko] undefined!"
> it looks like ndiswrapper does not like some particular feature of the
> realtime preemption kernel (at the source level). That won't be solved
> (AFAIK) with a rebuild of the kernel because the sources will be the
> same and the result will be the same.
> You could try with the .rdt kernel, maybe it will be more friendly to
> ndiswrapper. Or maybe you will be forced to use the standard kernel for
> ndiswrapper to compile and work. This is, I think, an incompatibility
> between the realtime preemption patch and ndiswrapper.
> Sorry.
> The kernel-devel package is used to build additional kernel modules, it
> is not meant to contain everything needed to build another kernel (which
> could be build either from original sources and installed manually or
> from a source package and installed through "rpm -ivh").
> -- Fernando
>> On 20/08/06, Nigel Henry <cave.dnb at tiscali.fr> wrote:
>>         On Sunday 20 August 2006 18:07, Martin Dupras wrote:
>>         > Am I missing something obivous? I want to re-compile my
>>         kernel.
>>         >
>>         > I have
>>         > kernel-smp-2.6.16-1.2080.16.rrt.rhfc5.ccrma
>>         > and
>>         > kernel-smp-devel-2.6.16-1.2080.16.rrt.rhfc5.ccrma         >
>>         > installed.
>>         >
>>         > As I understand it, that should give me the kernel and the
>>         sources for the
>>         > kernel, which reside in /usr/src/kernels/2.6.16-
>>         > 1.2080.16.rrt.rhfc5.ccrma-smp-i686.
>>         >
>>         > I change to that directory. Backup '.config'.  Invoke 'make
>>         xconfig',
>>         > choose my options, save the new .config file.
>>         >
>>         > Invoke 'make mrproper', which aborts with errors to do with
>>         infiniband. I         > don't understand why this is 
>> happening. I disabled
>>         infiniband in the
>>         > configuration step, should that not be enough?
>>         >
>>         > - martin
>>                 Martin. I think if you want to re-compile the kernel 
>> you will
>>         need the         sources.
>>         http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/all/linux/srpms/
>>                 This is for the website. Not for DL via Yum, which isn't
>>         available. "srpms"         may be in capitals, I havn't made 
>> it very clear in my book.
>>                 Nigel.
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