[PlanetCCRMA] lsmod results: help spotting probs needed

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Aug 9 18:57:01 PDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 01:46 -0500, tom poe wrote:
> Are there any obvious conflicts that might explain my not being able to 
> record through microphone, even though I can speak directly into mic and 
> hear output, but when I bring up audacity, there's no recording happening?

This is most probably not a conflict in modules or audio drivers but
some setting that you have to make in the mixer for the soundcard (to
properly "route" the microphone to the soundcard). From the command line
you can use "alsamixer", I usually use gamix which has a gtk gui and
exposes all the controls a card has (with the exception of high end
cards like the rme). Search for something that is related to capture and
microphone, you usually have to enable (unmute) the channel and raise
the level. In cards like yours there's tons of settings and it is not
immediately obvious what you have to do to enable capture. 

I would also try something simpler to monitor levels than starting with

[of well, this might end up more complex... but here it goes anyway] For
example start jack (using qjackctl). That will show you which ports are
available. Then use meterbrige (it is a command line app) and connect to
those ports to get nice realtime vu meters. Then use gamix or your mixer
of preference to tweak settings in the card till you are able to see
activity on the vu meters...

-- Fernando

> #> lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> savage                 30657  1
> drm                    62676  2 savage
> snd_seq_midi            9376  0
> snd_emu10k1_synth       8064  0
> snd_emux_synth         34048  1 snd_emu10k1_synth
> snd_seq_virmidi         7296  1 snd_emux_synth
> snd_seq_midi_emul       6400  1 snd_emux_synth
> autofs4                18629  1
> hidp                   15809  2
> rfcomm                 34009  0
> l2cap                  22981  10 hidp,rfcomm
> bluetooth              43813  5 hidp,rfcomm,l2cap
> sunrpc                136445  1
> ip_conntrack_netbios_ns     3265  0
> ipt_REJECT              5313  1
> xt_state                2241  2
> ip_conntrack           50925  2 ip_conntrack_netbios_ns,xt_state
> nfnetlink               6361  1 ip_conntrack
> xt_tcpudp               3265  4
> iptable_filter          3009  1
> ip_tables              11913  1 iptable_filter
> x_tables               12613  4 ipt_REJECT,xt_state,xt_tcpudp,ip_tables
> video                  14789  0
> button                  6609  0
> battery                 9285  0
> ac                      4933  0
> ipv6                  224065  12
> lp                     11785  0
> parport_pc             25061  1
> parport                33417  2 lp,parport_pc
> floppy                 56709  0
> nvram                   8137  0
> uhci_hcd               28241  0
> snd_emu10k1           108452  2 snd_emu10k1_synth
> snd_rawmidi            24480  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_emu10k1
> snd_ac97_codec         84000  1 snd_emu10k1
> snd_ac97_bus            2560  1 snd_ac97_codec
> snd_seq_dummy           4100  0
> snd_seq_oss            30720  0
> snd_seq_midi_event      7040  3 snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_seq_oss
> snd_seq                51024  9 
> snd_seq_midi,snd_emux_synth,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_seq_midi_emul,snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
> i2c_savage4             3909  0
> snd_pcm_oss            43040  0
> snd_mixer_oss          17536  1 snd_pcm_oss
> i2c_algo_bit            8393  1 i2c_savage4
> snd_pcm                82440  3 snd_emu10k1,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss
> snd_seq_device          8716  8 
> snd_seq_midi,snd_emu10k1_synth,snd_emux_synth,snd_emu10k1,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq
> snd_timer              23172  3 snd_emu10k1,snd_seq,snd_pcm
> snd_page_alloc         10376  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_pcm
> snd_util_mem            5504  2 snd_emux_synth,snd_emu10k1
> snd_hwdep               9732  2 snd_emux_synth,snd_emu10k1
> snd                    55788  21 
> snd_seq_midi,snd_emu10k1_synth,snd_emux_synth,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_seq_midi_emul,snd_emu10k1,snd_rawmidi,snd_ac97_codec,snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event,snd_seq,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_device,snd_timer,snd_util_mem,snd_hwdep
> emu10k1_gp              3777  0
> 3c59x                  40553  0
> gameport               14665  2 emu10k1_gp
> mii                     5441  1 3c59x
> i2c_piix4               8401  0
> i2c_core               20561  2 i2c_algo_bit,i2c_piix4
> soundcore               9377  1 snd
> dm_snapshot            16221  0
> dm_zero                 2241  0
> dm_mirror              18961  0
> dm_mod                 50041  6 dm_snapshot,dm_zero,dm_mirror
> ext3                  117065  2
> jbd                    53717  1 ext3

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