[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora Core 4 Kernel Problem?

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Sun Apr 16 04:40:02 PDT 2006

On Sunday 16 April 2006 05:05, Daniel Skevington wrote:
> Hi,
> I've not used Linux in a while so forgive me if I'm missing something
> obvious here; I've just installed Fedora Core 4, and followed the
> instructions on the Planet CCRMA website to install/update up to the point
> of testing the kernel, but when I reboot and choose the CCRMA kernel, my
> computer freezes just before getting to the GUI.
> It finishes initialising the hardware fine, (storage network audio) but
> then hangs with that text on the screen. The original kernel
> (2.6.11-1.1369) still works fine, but I'd like to get the CCRMA one working
> really, since the main reason I put Linux back on was for audio apps.
> I thought I'd go through the boot files for each kernel and see if there
> are any obvious discrepencies, but the files are fairly long so if someone
> could point me in the right direction, that would be most appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Daniel Skevington.

Hi Daniel. I can't say that I can help much, but there are couple of things 
you could check.

1. Did you follow the instructions for installing the low latency kernel?
apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge
or for dual processor machines, or with Pentium4 with hyperthreading enabled
apt-get install planetccrma-core-edge-smp

This package also installs a few additional packages, rtirq, and some Alsa 

2. Either with "synaptic" or running, rpm -q -a --last , as user. Check to see 
if along with ccrma kernel-2.6.12-0.21.rdt.rhfc4.ccrma, you have 

3. On the command line as root, open a text editor, gedit, kwrite or 
something, and go to /boot/grub/grub.conf . Remove the stuff at the end of 
the ccrma kernel line. Something like "rhgb quiet" . Dont remove anything 
else, only backspace as far as the "/". The line should now end with 
LABEL=/     Doing this will display all the text at bootup.

While you are in grub.conf,  put a # in front of the item "hiddenmenu" , which 
will bring up the grub menu at bootup.  Also increase the timeout to perhaps 
30 , which will give you a bit more time to make choices when Grubs menu is 
showing.  Now save, and close the editor.

btw. the default line is for which kernel to boot as default. "0" is for the 
first kernel on the list. "1" is for the second, etc.

All the best Nigel.

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