[PlanetCCRMA] RE: point of view
Luis Garrido
garrido_luis at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 19 12:36:00 PDT 2005
>What is bad with audio on linux:
>1/ I can't synchronise video with audio (DV quicktime movie with output
>on firewire is a good solution)
:shameless plug:
Yes, you can, if you manage to compile and run xjadeo. I developed it in a
Planet box, but you have to install libraries from different repos, compile
it and learn to encode your video clips in the right format. A quick and
ugly fix but works.
:/shameless plug:
>2/ I can't import session from auther editing soft
>( avid,finalcut,protools,digital performer ...).
Most commercial editing softs will refuse to acknowledge even the existence
of the others, so Linux doesn't look bad in comparison. At least Linux file
formats are open. Given the substantial differences among all those softs,
portability of sessions will always be, at the very best, partial, no matter
which OS are you talking about.
>3/ I can't use "Mackie Control" or something similar to run mixing
>automation with real fader.
Hmmm, I think some control surfaces are indeed supported. Check the ALSA
>4/ Kernel choice and update is confuse. Low latency patch ,LSM is
>difficult to optmise for me. (kernel CCRMA don't work well on my
Yes, that is unquestionable. You still need a substantial amount of computer
and audio hardware knowledge to fine tune your system. I wonder if this is
not also true in other platforms. Perhaps not in Mac, where the hardware
factor is quite under control. You pay for that, though.
>1/ Jack can synchronise differents softs on the same computer, but is it
>possible to synchronise differents softs on seperate computers?
Checkout something called jack-udp, besides clock sync as Mark suggested.
>2/ It is possible to run every thing with a console ( computer who make
>no noise ) and a ethernet cable.
Should be possible if you use some kind of diskless thin client, like a X
We are not that far, are we? :-)
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