[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA vs the mainstream

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 14:02:02 PDT 2005

On 10/19/05, Tom Poe <tompoe at studioforrecording.org> wrote:
> Gregory Maxwell offered the following on 10/18/2005 02:17 PM:
> - - - snip - - -
> > What would eventually be really useful is an knoppixized (on DVD I
> > suspect) of planetccrma. Hardware support might make turning that into
> > more than a wish difficult... but if we could provide a bootable CD
> > with Jack+ardour+effects+softsynths and a few tutorial videos and get
> > a magazine to ship it.. wow. :)
> I like the idea.  Of course, I'm biased.  Our group decided to put out
> an actual PC loaded with CCRMA.  The computer is donated, and so the
> cost is zero dollars.  The question then, became, how do we identify
> "champions" in communities to set up the PC and make it available for
> residents of the community?  We're hoping the day comes, when there's a
> distribution solution through some community organization like Chambers
> of Commerce, or some church, or other entity that would help spearhead
> such a movement.  Any ideas?
> Tom

Check out the Linux Musician site. They have a CD that does a bunch of
what you are looking for.

- Mark

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