[PlanetCCRMA] PlanetCCRMA vs the mainstream

Tom Poe tompoe at studioforrecording.org
Tue Oct 18 14:00:07 PDT 2005

Gregory Maxwell offered the following on 10/18/2005 02:17 PM:
- - - snip - - -
> What would eventually be really useful is an knoppixized (on DVD I
> suspect) of planetccrma. Hardware support might make turning that into
> more than a wish difficult... but if we could provide a bootable CD
> with Jack+ardour+effects+softsynths and a few tutorial videos and get
> a magazine to ship it.. wow. :)

I like the idea.  Of course, I'm biased.  Our group decided to put out 
an actual PC loaded with CCRMA.  The computer is donated, and so the 
cost is zero dollars.  The question then, became, how do we identify 
"champions" in communities to set up the PC and make it available for 
residents of the community?  We're hoping the day comes, when there's a 
distribution solution through some community organization like Chambers 
of Commerce, or some church, or other entity that would help spearhead 
such a movement.  Any ideas?

Open Studios, Charles City, Iowa, USA
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