[PlanetCCRMA] Re: ANN: VST on FC3 on Planet CCRMA HOWTO V 1.1

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 12:29:00 PDT 2005

   The group is fortunately to have great folks like you working on
stuff like this. Thanks for putting it together.

   I wonder if Fernando might make room for a final copy on the Planet
itself. We did stuff like this for Redhat and ended up with a small
corner to put user contributions. A home for documents like this would
further the value of the Planet to all users.


On 10/14/05, Timo <timo.sivula at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I googled around for feedback to my Howto and found a couple of
> improvements documented here and there on the net. I updated the howto with
> what I found. I.e., simpler handling of the aeffectx.h file as suggested by
> Mark Knecht and advice on how to make it work under Fedora Core 4 by Robert
> Jonkman. I also added a couple of Question - Answer pairs based upon what I
> have seen discussed here on the list. Enjoy!
> http://www.geocities.com/dn_liitto/english/VST-on-FC3-Planet-CCRMA-HOWTO.html
>  Do also check out my older HOWTO, i.e the one on how to successfully
> combine more than one soundcard and use them as one multichannel soundard:
>  http://www.geocities.com/dn_liitto/english/El-cheapo-howto
>  br, Timo

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