[PlanetCCRMA] dssi problems

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Fri Oct 14 07:56:03 PDT 2005

On Friday 14 October 2005 08:35, Jamie Bullock wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 22:24 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > Having nothing better to do and wanting to try new synths, I thought I'd
> > have a go at dssi, also theres a new synth called whysynth that looks
> > interesting. I DL'd with apt-get to one of my FC2 installs, dssi, hexter,
> > and Xsynth-DSSI. I'm not sure how dssi works, but anyway started jack
> > through qjackctl, and Xsynth-DSSI was showing as connected on the audio
> > side. Next connected my
> dssi is basically an API that adds some extra functionality on top of
> LADSPA, namely OSC, usually via a GUI, and MIDI. The plugins require a
> host to manage communication between the GUI and the plugin, and
> connection to audio and midi drivers (usually jack/alsa). If you launch
> a plugin via your Gnome menu or whatever, it will launch jack-dssi-host
> as the host. For diagnostics, I recommend that you run this manually
> from the command line with:
> jack-dssi-host -v yourplugin.so
> This will give verbose output, and perhaps a better clue as to what the
> problem is.
> Also, do you get any audio when clicking on the "send test note" button
> in the GUI? If not, the verbose flag will tell you whether the midi
> request is reaching the host or not.
> Jamie

Hi Jamie. Sorry for the delay. I've been arguing with it for about 4 hours. No 
sounds at all when I press the test button. Zilch. Output of 
jack-dssi-host -v hextor.so  below.

[djmons at localhost djmons]$ jack-dssi-host -v hexter.so

jack-dssi-host: Warning: DSSI path not set
jack-dssi-host: Defaulting to 

jack-dssi-host: Looking for library "hexter.so" in /usr/local/lib/dssi... not 
found: /usr/local/lib/dssi/hexter.so: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory
jack-dssi-host: Looking for library "hexter.so" in /usr/lib/dssi... found
jack-dssi-host: instance  0 on channel  0, plugin  0 is "hexter/hexter/chan00"
jack-dssi-host: registering osc.udp://localhost.localdomain:19435/dssi
jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 127 is MIDI bank 0 program 127, 
named '   <-->   '
jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 126 is MIDI bank 0 program 126, 
named '   <-->   '
jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 125 is MIDI bank 0 program 125, 
named ' 


jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 2 is MIDI bank 0 program 2, named 
jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 1 is MIDI bank 0 program 1, named 
'FB:PfVibe '
jack-dssi-host: hexter/hexter/chan00 program 0 is MIDI bank 0 program 0, named 
'Elec Piano'

jack-dssi-host: OSC URL is:

checking hexter_gtk against hexter
jack-dssi-host: trying to execute GUI at "/usr/lib/dssi/hexter/hexter_gtk"
hexter_gtk starting (pid 4525)...
host: Ready
jack-dssi-host: OSC: got update request from 
jack-dssi-host: OSC: hexter/hexter/chan00 setting bank 0, program 4, name 
jack-dssi-host: OSC: got midi request for hexter/hexter/chan00 (00 90 3c 54)
jack-dssi-host: OSC: got midi request for hexter/hexter/chan00 (00 80 3c 40)

The last two lines are where I tried the test buttom, but nothing showing when 
I press keys on the usb midi keyboard. There clearly is a connection from the 
keyboard to the app as I can change programs. Now I wasn't sure whether I 
needed a soundfont loaded into the Audigy2 soundblaster for these dssi 
plugins to work, so I loaded a soundfont, but no change. Then I started 
Rosegarden as the soundfont was already loaded, selected hextor as a plugin, 
and it works. I would imagine now though, that it's going through Rosegarden 
and using the soundfont I loaded onto the soundcard. Mystified. Nigel.

> > midi keyboard to Xsynth. So far so good. The midi connection from the
> > keyboard seems ok, as when I change programs on the keyboard, they change
> > on the GUI for Xsynth. Problem is I can't get any of the keys to produce
> > sounds. There's no problem with the sound system. All other apps work ok.
> > Any hints on how I can get these synths to produce sounds?  Nigel.
> >
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