[PlanetCCRMA] ANN: VST on FC3 on Planet CCRMA HOWTO V 1.1
Hector Centeno-Garcia
h.centeno at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 14 06:24:01 PDT 2005
On Fri, 2005-14-10 at 12:27 +0300, Timo wrote:
> Hi,
> I googled around for feedback to my Howto and found a couple of
> improvements documented here and there on the net. I updated the howto
> with what I found. I.e., simpler handling of the aeffectx.h file as
> suggested by Mark Knecht and advice on how to make it work under
> Fedora Core 4 by Robert Jonkman. I also added a couple of Question -
> Answer pairs based upon what I have seen discussed here on the list.
> Enjoy!
> http://www.geocities.com/dn_liitto/english/VST-on-FC3-Planet-CCRMA-HOWTO.html
> Do also check out my older HOWTO, i.e the one on how to successfully
> combine more than one soundcard and use them as one multichannel
> soundard:
> http://www.geocities.com/dn_liitto/english/El-cheapo-howto
> br, Timo
Thanks a lot for your work! I've been trying to get jack_fst working but
I've been having problems with building Wine 20040505 because of errors
with gcc4 (as predicted in your FAQ). I'm trying to do this in a debian
based distro so the only way I found was to use alien for converting the
wine 20040505 rpm's following the links in your tutorial.
Maybe you could add to your guide the change needed to not get two
windows open every time you launch a VST using jack_fst. The config file
inside the /home/<usr>/.wine has to be changed at the line:
; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
"Managed" = "Y"
It has to be set to "N".
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