[PlanetCCRMA] Playing DVDs on FC4

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Wed Oct 12 14:12:02 PDT 2005

On Wednesday 12 October 2005 19:39, Robert Jonkman wrote:
> Totem doesn't seem to be able to play DVDs--for what I could find it's a
> problem with xine-lib or gstream.  Has anyone found a solution for
> playing DVDs?  I couldn't seem to get VLC working either--I even tried
> the Windows version.
> BTW, thank for the aqualung recommendation.  Works pretty good.

Hi Robert. Nice to know you can now play MP3's. Another couple of apps that 
work are gqmpeg that I have on Debian, and notice that Gentoo has this on the 
list too. (that was for Mark). Sadly they arn't on the planet list. Probably 
something to do with MP3 licencing issues. xmms does have a plug in for MP3's 
named xmms-mpg123-ja in synaptic on Debian, but you'd probably have to track 
it down and install it manually onto you're machine. Mplayer, that you can 
get from http://www.mplayer.hu will play DVD's ok, also plays MP3's, but is a 
bit of overkill just using it for that. I had to install it manually on FC1, 
and it worked fine. You may have to fiddle with the video drivers in the 
config (accessible from left button on the player control panel). I initially 
had problems finding out how to play DVD's on it. Just right click on the 
main window and you get a drop down menu, and can open your DVD there. All 
the best. Nigel.
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