[PlanetCCRMA] No basic sound.

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 05:15:02 PDT 2005

On 10/11/05, Robert Jonkman <yeahtuna at lansoundstream.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm slowly getting this system well tuned but I'm still having some
> problems.  One of my problem right now is that programs like xmms and
> music player don't work.  Jack on the other hand, VSTi's and Ardour and
> the like all do.  I'm not exactly sure where to look, so I'll start my
> posting this:
> Can you spot the culprit?
Most likely you're looking in the wrong place for this one. It doesn't
sound like a modules problem to me, but far mor an application
capabilities issue.

What do you mean 'don't work'? Does the GUI not come up? Does the GUI
come up but menus don't work? Does everythign work visually but your
don't get sound? If you don't get sound then from what media are you
trying to get sound? CDs? mp3s? Something else?

We'll need some more info.


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