[PlanetCCRMA] rosegarden -- synth only plays one instrument

csynan csynan at dataworlds.com
Sun Oct 9 12:25:02 PDT 2005

hi, i am new to midi and to rosegarden.. I like the app a lot, but I am having one problem that is keeping me from using it to its full potential.

 In rosegarden, I create two tracks and MIDI events (notes) information on them.  Track 1 is assigned to MIDI channel 1, and is assigned (in RG) to Acoustic Grand.  Track 2 is assigned to midi channel 2, and is a different instrument, say slap bass.  This all appears OK, but I am having trouble getting my synth to do the right thing (so technically i don't think it is a problem with rosegarden, it's user error)

 my synth (ensoniq e-prime) supposedly has plenty of tracks, channels, multi timbral etc.  all things I dont fully understand but I assume that it should be able to play the acoustic grand track and the slap bass track simultaneously.  But I cannot get it to do so.  

 I can get it to ignore the channel 2 (by default it wants to recieve all MIDI info over channel 1???) or I can set it to read from all tracks, but it plays it back using the current instrument on the synth, rather than taking the instruments from RG.   So in effect it ignores the instrument definitions from RG and just plays whatever instrument on the synth, say alto sax, for both channels.  I have tried all combinations and no success.

 Admittedly I am a midi newbie, but i have read the RG info and the synth info and I am definitely missing something.  If someone could point me in the right direction i could get back to writing my great masterpiece :)


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