[PlanetCCRMA] Fixed my own problem

Robert Jonkman yeahtuna at lansoundstream.com
Sun Oct 9 09:06:01 PDT 2005

Hi guys

I had reported having troubles getting Planet CCRMA running on my
laptop.  I have since reinstalled and my problem have disappeared. I had
included the Freshrpms in my repository setup the first time.  This time
I just went with the Planet Repo and everything went very smoothly and I
happy to report that everything is working great...almost.  I'm seeing
the strangest problem.  I have a centrino processor.  Usually when I
boot the first thing I see before grub takes over is an Asus logo and a
centrino logo at the bottom of the screen.  However, amazingly sometimes
there isn't a centrino logo, rather there's a Pentium M logo.  If if
starts up with te centrino logo, then my PC hangs during boot of either
FC4 or Win XP.  However, if I see the Pentium M logo, then everything
boots just fine in either XP or FC4.  Who's changing my CPU?  How is
this possible?  It's Craziness.  Has anyone else experienced anything
like this?

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