[PlanetCCRMA] re: VST on FC3 on PlanetCCRMA

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 03:06:01 PDT 2005

On 10/4/05, Andrew Longland-Meech <andrew at longland-meech.me.uk> wrote:
> I guess I should also ask if there is any possibility
> of getting jack_fst to work with a more up-to-date version of Wine.
> Anyone any ideas on this? I'm not a competent enough programmer to be
> able to do a rewrite.
> Regards,
> Andrew

There is no good possibility to get this working with a newer version
of Wine. In May of 2004 Wine's handling of memory was changed in a
major way which ,ade it more compatible with Windows programs and
broke jack_fst. I filed a bug report with the Wine guys but as long as
20040505 builds that's the solution.

What will occur one of these days is that gcc and associated things
will move forward and Wine-200405050 will no longer compile. At that
time this tree will die and it's back to the drawing board. Until
then, enjoy.

There was some work done in private to make a new method of running
vst's. Unfortunately I think the author has probably abandoned that
work and I know of nothing else.

Sorry for such a gloomy report.

- Mark

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