[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie: can't get jackd to work

Jeroen Baten jbaten at i2rs.nl
Mon Oct 3 10:57:02 PDT 2005

Op zaterdag 1 oktober 2005 03:49, schreef Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
> You should try with the "edge" series of kernels (if they work for you).
> Try installing "planetccrma-core-edge" and booting into it.

This worked for me. Thanks to you and Mark Knecht I now have a working setup.

As a long time user of Pro-24 on Atari (I'm 41 :-) and longing for these old 
days (on new hardware) finding it back on Linux is a sheer joy.

Two small remaining questions:
-how to get wav files into linuxsampler?
-Wich line in apt sources to add for source downloads so I can try to compile 
simsam for fc3?

Thanks both for your support. This means a lot to me.

kind regards,

  Jeroen Baten            | EMAIL :  JBATEN at I2RS.NL
 ____  _  __              | web   :  www.i2rs.nl
  |  )|_)(_               | tel   :  +31 (0)499 477 688
 _|_/_| \__)              | fax   :  +31 (0)499 476 804
Roerlaan 36, 5691 HJ, Son, the Netherlands

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