[PlanetCCRMA] snd - nothing but hiss

Peter Lutek plutek at infinity.net
Mon Oct 3 06:16:01 PDT 2005

Mark Knecht wrote:

>   When I run snd and load an ogg file I seem to get nothing but hiss.
>Is this expected?
>   Also, on another list snd was recommended as a Jack-aware editor
>but I Cannot find any mention of Jack in it's online manual, located
>Does snd understand Jack?
yes. my planet-ccrma snd works fine with jack. see the notes about snd 
at http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/soundapps.html  -- 
they indicate that this version was compiled with alsa and jack support.

the manual lists ogg as "automatically translated to a format snd can 
read" -- see http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/snd.html#openfile

so far, trying to open ogg just gets me "Ogg Vorbis header: unknown 
(0x0) data format."
i think there's a scheme function you have to use to accomplish this, 
but i really haven't been interested in editting ogg, so haven't pursued it.

sorry i'm not juch help on that one!

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