[PlanetCCRMA] Advice on soundcard, anyone?

Tim Berghoff BlackCount at gmx.net
Sat Nov 19 00:57:01 PST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hey Frode,

I also can only recommend M-Audio's Delta 1010LT.
As long as you don't want to record a Portnoy-like Drumkit, the number
of ins and outs should suffice for every purpose.

It's definitely worth its price.

Have phun....


Frode Petersen schrieb:

> Hello again. Having abandoned 192K cards, I have found 3
> alternatives at 96KHz. I wonder if anyone would be so kind as to
> help me choose. Any help will be higly appreciated!
> The cards:
> Echo Mia Midi MAudio Delta 1010LT MAudio Audiophile 2496
> I don't know whether Terratec has any cards worth a look (or a
> listen...)
> I WOULD like to have the RME HDSP9632 or something similar to that,
> but alas, it is well beyond my budget.
> The number of ins/outs does not have to be very high at this stage,
> the two most important factors are Linux compatibility and audio
> quality. I will not have studio quality monitors either (yet?), but
> the final result will have to hold up to scruteny through a
> high-end sound system. You know more than me about what other
> aspects are important. Maybe upgrade paths are different? Hope you
> don't think this is too low-end to bother with ;-)
> Another thing, not a priority though: I have a friend using Echo
> Layla24. I'm trying to convince him to try out Linux in his home
> studio. He would need some help though, so would there be any
> benefits in my having a Mia card in that scenario? The computers
> will otherwise be quite different.
> Best regards, Frode
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- --
Tim Berghoff

BlackCount at gmx.net

- --"If all else fails: hug your teddy."
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