[PlanetCCRMA] Advice on soundcard, anyone?

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Fri Nov 18 12:09:00 PST 2005

I am currently using the delta 1010LT with absolutely no problem at all.
It is well supported and has a mixer app that gives you complete control
over it. Great card for the money.


On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 19:55 +0100, Frode Petersen wrote:
> Hello again. Having abandoned 192K cards, I have found 3 alternatives at 
> 96KHz. I wonder if anyone would be so kind as to help me choose. Any 
> help will be higly appreciated!
> The cards:
> Echo Mia Midi
> MAudio Delta 1010LT
> MAudio Audiophile 2496
> I don't know whether Terratec has any cards worth a look (or a listen...)
> I WOULD like to have the RME HDSP9632 or something similar to that, but 
> alas, it is well beyond my budget.
> The number of ins/outs does not have to be very high at this stage, the 
> two most important factors are Linux compatibility and audio quality. I 
> will not have studio quality monitors either (yet?), but the final 
> result will have to hold up to scruteny through a high-end sound system. 
> You know more than me about what other aspects are important. Maybe 
> upgrade paths are different? Hope you don't think this is too low-end to 
> bother with ;-)
> Another thing, not a priority though: I have a friend using Echo 
> Layla24. I'm trying to convince him to try out Linux in his home studio. 
> He would need some help though, so would there be any benefits in my 
> having a Mia card in that scenario? The computers will otherwise be 
> quite different.
> Best regards,
> Frode
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Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>

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