[PlanetCCRMA] apt-get problems with beecrypt conflict...

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Nov 12 18:25:02 PST 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 17:22 -0500, Ken Schutte wrote:
> I was trying to do a: apt-get install planetccrma-audioapps
> on my FC3 machine.  It listed a whole bunch of installs, and I entered 
> 'Y', then I get this error:
>          file /usr/lib/libbeecrypt.so.6 from install of 
> libbeecrypt6-4.1.2-8_9.rhfc3.at conflicts with file from package 
> beecrypt-3.1.0-6_5.rhfc3.at
> E: Error while running transaction
> After seeing this thread: 
> http://ccrma-mail.stanford.edu/pipermail/planetccrma/2005-April/009005.html
> I tried:
> $ sudo rpm -e --nodeps beecrypt-3.1.0-6_5.rhfc3.at
> This was apparently a big mistake, since now I realized rpm and apt need 
> libbeecrypt, so I can't do anything!  Is there an easy way out of this??


I guess to recover you need to manually install the shared library, I'll
send you a copy on a separate email off the list...

-- Fernando

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