[PlanetCCRMA] Dual Monitors

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Fri Nov 4 17:33:02 PST 2005

For what it's worth, I am successfully running a dual monitor planet
CCRMA fedora core 2 system. I had absolutely no luck getting my dual
head video card to work (a radeon 8500 I think), so I bought a second
ATI board (a 7500) used and implanted it, and surprisingly fedora set it
up without any problem. The only advantage here (besides the fact that
it works) is that both my monitors are connected to DVI inputs.

I'm happy to send my xorg files if you would like.

-Joe D

On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 09:34 -0800, 7lb9oz Productions wrote:
> Hello all, I am new to CCRMA, and I have a question
> regarding my dual monitor settup.  I have 2 17 inch
> CRT monitors hooked up to an ATI Radeon 9200.  I came
> to CCRMA from Demudi, and must say that so far I am
> not looking back.  The only problem is that dual
> monitors is appearing to be a total hassle.  My
> xorg.conf, which I modeled after the beautifully
> working settup I had in Demudi is attached.  This is
> the one which I am currently using, and in Fedora Core
> 3 all it is giving me is 2 copies of the same monitor.
> Pleas advise, I know it has got to be just one or two
> little tweaks that need to be done, but I cant find
> the proper thing to tweak and make it work.
> THanks in advance
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Joseph Dell'Orfano <fullgo at dellorfano.net>

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