[PlanetCCRMA] Dual Monitors

7lb9oz Productions viipoundproductions at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 4 09:35:01 PST 2005

Hello all, I am new to CCRMA, and I have a question
regarding my dual monitor settup.  I have 2 17 inch
CRT monitors hooked up to an ATI Radeon 9200.  I came
to CCRMA from Demudi, and must say that so far I am
not looking back.  The only problem is that dual
monitors is appearing to be a total hassle.  My
xorg.conf, which I modeled after the beautifully
working settup I had in Demudi is attached.  This is
the one which I am currently using, and in Fedora Core
3 all it is giving me is 2 copies of the same monitor.

Pleas advise, I know it has got to be just one or two
little tweaks that need to be done, but I cant find
the proper thing to tweak and make it work.

THanks in advance

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 
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