[PlanetCCRMA] OFF TOPIC: Splitting Line Level Signals

Rick Sutphin sutphinc at bellsouth.net
Mon May 23 16:30:01 PDT 2005

R Parker wrote:

>--- Rick Sutphin <sutphinc at bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>This is not a Planet CCRMA question per se. I have
>>had no luck so far 
>>setting up hardware monitoring for my Delta 1010LT.
>Part of the ojective to a mixer is not having to use
>the hardware monitoring on the audio card. What does
>the mixer have for i/o?
The mixer has the following:
16 channels (8 with microphone pre-amps)
2 Track In

control room out
main outs
4 multi outputs
each channel has a send return
each channel has an aux send

Currently, I am using an eight channel mic pre-amp to connect mics to 
the analog ins of the Delta 1010LT. The analog outs are going to the 
DDX-3216 mixing board.

I was hoping to use the digital mixer on the 1010LT to do monitoring. My 
plan was to send the monitor mix to the S/PDIF Ins on the mixing board. 
Unfortunately, I have not been able to get this to work.

>>So what I would like to do is split the line level
>>signals coming out of 
>>my 8 channel pre amp sending one of the split
>>signals to the analog ins 
>>on the 1010LT. The other split signal I would like
>>to send to a small 
>>eight channel mixer that I have.
>>Is this possible? If so, can I do this with
>>Y-cables, or do I need 
>>something else?
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