[PlanetCCRMA] Advice on installing non-CCRMA sources (or I'm an Adult Now)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 12 12:13:02 PDT 2005
On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 15:06, Shayne O'Connor wrote:
> i've gradually found myself installing/using/testing latest CVS versions
> of some of the CCRMA packages - stuff like Ardour, Muse, Hydrogen, Jack,
> Alsa, the kernel etc etc ... i know how to do most of them without
> running into conflicts with the CCRMA versions (most install over the
> top of the CCRMA versions, or are able to be uninstalled without too
> many dramas).
> however, the latest CVS of Ardour says this:
> * add compile-time check for jack_recompute_latencies()
> * libardour: 0.891.4
> If you use an older version of JACK, you will be able to build Ardour,
> but JACK port "total latencies" will not be updated in a timely
> fashion, which can lead to some odd results some of the time.
> so i got the cvs version of Jack, compiled (prefix=/usr) and installed
> it, did a "jackd --version" (jackd version 0.99.70 tmpdir /tmp protocol
> 15), compiled/installed Ardour ... but when building Ardour, it said:
> Checking for jack_client_open()...failed
> >Checking for jack_recompute_total_latencies()...failed
> Paul Davis said this:
> i suspect you have inadvertently done a dual install of JACK.
> so, i went and searched for all the Jack files installed in /usr,
> deleted them, reinstalled Jack, tried compiling Ardour again, but the
> same failed check for jack_client_open and
> jack_recompute_total_latencies ...
> so - what's the proper way for me to totally uninstall old Jack packages
> - can't really do it through Synaptic because it wants to remove about
> 50 other multi-media apps .... also - is there any special configuration
> options that Jack needs?
A way to uninstall a package is to do an "rpm -e --nodeps package_name",
but that of course leaves the rpm database in an inconsistent state (ie:
there are dependencies that are not met).
Hmmmm... to get rid of all files you could do (with care) something like
rpm -q -l package_name > files
look at the files in the file "files" (;-) and then erase them.
That will get rid of all the files in the package without erasing the
package itself from the rpm database. If you do an "rpm -V package_name"
you will see rpm complaining about the missing files :-)
> ***********************
> onto the kernel - i compiled/installed the latest kernel (2.6.12.rc4
> with rt-pre-empt patch and patched pam), which is something i just
> learned to do recently .... i don't usually build the RT-pre-empt patch,
> but i decided to give it a go last night. i built it with
> PRE-EMPT=DESKTOP, or whatever, and there were a few other options, but
> it ended up looking (through rtirq) a little bit different to what i
> remember the Planet's RT-preempt looked like:
> [mrmachine at localhost ~]$ /etc/init.d/rtirq status
> 1218 FF 70 - 110 0.0 S< IRQ 5 EMU10K1
> 1348 FF 60 - 100 0.0 S< IRQ 3 ehci_hcd
> 1400 FF 60 - 100 0.0 S< IRQ 4 ohci_hcd
> 1362 FF 59 - 99 0.1 S< IRQ 11 ohci_hcd
> 288 FF 50 - 90 0.0 S< IRQ 1 i8042
> 9 FF 49 - 89 0.0 S< IRQ 9 acpi
> 234 FF 49 - 89 0.0 S< IRQ 12 i8042
> 266 FF 47 - 87 0.0 S< IRQ 14 ide0
> 268 FF 46 - 86 0.0 S< IRQ 15 ide1
> 2114 FF 40 - 80 0.1 S< IRQ 10 nvidia
> 2590 FF 39 - 79 0.0 S< IRQ 7 parport0
> i'm sure that "RTC" is missing from the top of this list .... should I
> have said "Yes" to the option to pre-empt Real Big Clock (or something
> like that) that it gives when doing "make config"?
I think that options only applies when building with PREEMPT_RT but I
may be wrong. You could download the kernel .src.rpm, unpack it, and
compare the config file you are using with the one in the Planet CCRMA
kernel source package...
-- Fernando
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