[PlanetCCRMA] which to use - RH9 or FC?

Josh Lawrence hardbop200 at gmail.com
Tue May 10 13:44:01 PDT 2005

Well, the answer could not have come from a better source!  Thank you
for your advice, I will try FC3.


On 10 May 2005 13:39:42 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
<nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 12:53, Josh Lawrence wrote:
> > After (unsuccessfully) playing around with building apps from source
> > on a Slackware 10.1 system, I have decided to go with a "packaged"
> > multimedia solution.  I've got Demudi working on one machine, and
> > praise the work that has been done there - it's wonderful.  However, I
> > would like to try CCRMA as well, so I can make an informed choice
> > between the two.  I've done some research in the mailing list
> > archives, and I can't seem to find any recommendations on which flavor
> > of RH to use for the Planet.  I've seen only passing reference to RH9,
> > and the majority of the traffic deals with FC3.  This would lead me to
> > think that FC3 would be the way to go, but I've also seen mention of
> > FC3 being really unstable (as well as FC2).
> At this point in time I would recommend FC3 as the base. The 2.6.x
> kernel is now in good shape for low latency work - but it may not work
> in all hardware configurations.
> If you have the bandwidth (a lot) and a way to make a dvd you could try
> the integrated fedora core 3 + planetccrma dvd, but the current alpha
> version is big (2.7Gbytes).
> -- Fernando
> > So which one should I go
> > for?  Here are my (very flexible) requirements:
> >
> > 1.  I want to install it and forget it.  I don't want to have to
> > update every 10 minutes just to get a really stable working system.  I
> > don't have a working Internet connection at home, so I'll have to do
> > the install at a friends house and take it home to use it.  It's a
> > pain, I know...
> > 2.  Large selection of applications.
> > 3.  Fast, at least as fast as possible with my hardware.
> > 4.  Supports my Motif Rack and M-Audio Keystation Pro-88.  I've tested
> > both of these with Alsa 1.0.8, and they work there, so I'm assuming
> > that CCRMA should see them as well, given that they use that version
> > of Alsa.
> > 5.  Stable, not bleeding edge (no crashes!).
> > 6.  Fluxbox!  (separate download, I'm assuming?)
> >
> > (I know what you're thinking - I don't ask for much, do I?)
> >
> > So I hope this helps.  FYI, I'm using the above mentioned hardware
> > with a Delta 44 sound card.  The processor is a 2.4 Ghz CeleronD with
> > 512 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Josh

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