[PlanetCCRMA] gmplayer error

Barton Bosch bartonbosch at hotpop.com
Sun May 8 22:03:01 PDT 2005

Dirk Ouellette wrote:
> How do I rectify this?
> Thanks, Dirk
> "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out[-vo] device"

Make sure the vo mplayer is trying to open the video with is 
installed and compatible with your hardware.  IIRC it defaults to 
-vo xv.  If you are using the precompiled CCRMA binary then -vo x11 
should be available.


"'There are millions of Americans living in hidden places, whose 
faces and names we never know.  But I have seen children starving in 
Mississippi; idling their lives away in the ghetto; living without 
hope or future amid the despair on Indian reservations; with no jobs 
and little hope.  I have seen proud men in the hills of Appalachia, 
who wish only to work in dignity--but the mines are closed, and the 
jobs are gone, and no one, neither industry or labor or government, 
has cared enough to help.  Those conditions will change, those 
children will live, only if we dissent.  So I dissent, and I know 
you do, too.'

I wish I had said those words first, but I didn't.  Bobby Kennedy 
did.  But they are just as true today as they were then in 1968. 
Ultimately we have to choose what kind of America we want."

-- Congressperson Cynthia McKinney

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