[PlanetCCRMA] Updaters. A personal observation

brad brad at archone.tamu.edu
Mon Mar 28 13:59:01 PST 2005

nigel henry wrote:

>Hi folks. Just a little something to break up the really heavy stuff. We'll 
>put Mandrake to one side caus on my latest re-install of Mandrake 10.0 it 
>seems you have to pay and join the Mandrake club to get updates! Right. That 
>out of the way, FC! and FC2 I'm very happy with, apart from up2date. I've had 
>up to 40+ instances of up2date started to try and get an update completed. 
>Perhaps it's my machines, but it seems to freeze continually, then you have 
>to start it again and it starts from point "0" for your update. Same goes if 
>you get timed out by you're ISP. I' m on dial-up. Since finding planetccrma 
>and apt, I've never been happier with updates. Apt not only works, but has 
>resume support if you lose your connection, has a time out on the shell, so 
>you only have to run perhaps, apt-get dist-upgrade again, and it carries on 
>where it left off.  Yum works easily as well for getting Fedora Legacy 
>updates for FC1 and earlier. The only downside is that if you lose your 
>Internet connection it doesn't time-out. You have to close the terminal in a 
>bit of an undignified way and re-open it, and run Yum update again. Not such 
>a big deal, as at least it again carries on from where it left off. This 
>afternoon just passing time on planetccrma webpages I found a link for sound 
>stuff for Slackware, and another link for an updater for Slackware 
>"slapt-get" . This is the first time I've been able to get updates for 
>Slackware 10.0 and they are running at the moment. Its apt, but yum, caus it 
>works well with resume support but, if you lose your connection you have to 
>re-start the shell terminal and run slapt-get --upgrade again. If Mark Knecht 
>is reading this I'd be interested in how you get on with up2date, and if 
>you'd had any of the constant freezing problems that I've experienced. Nigel.
>PlanetCCRMA mailing list
>PlanetCCRMA at ccrma.stanford.edu
I seem to be having the same problem with up2date on FC2. The last three 
evenings up2date says there are 3 mozilla packages to upgrade and it 
just sits and spins. I'm on a high speed connection and I've had to 
cancel the up2date session each time.


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