[PlanetCCRMA] 5.1 from TB Santa Clara

Sam Williams sam at mbz.org
Sat Mar 19 17:44:00 PST 2005

Ye of knowledge,

I moved Turtle Beach Santa Clara card from Windows to Fedora 2.6.10CCRMA
machine.  On Windows had to install drivers, run software to configure.
On Fedora box, it simply detected new card and worked but...  There are
jacks for front and rear speakers and a multipurpose jack that can be
configured (using windows software) to provide output for center channel
and bass.  Win software/drivers aren't much help in Linux.  Anyone know
how to address the card to switch that jack to speaker output mode?

I can set speaker system to 4 channel mode, run soundcard detection,
play the test sound and it hits all the speakers.  Maybe that's the best
I can hope for.  Maybe the speaker driver decodes center and bass as
well as or better than the sound card; I suspect not.

Thanks for any help/advice.


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