[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] added: new edge kernels for fc2/3

Shayne O'Connor forums@machinehasnoagenda.com
Tue Mar 22 18:36:01 2005

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>Hi all... some new kernels and matching alsa packages for both Fedora
>Core 2 and 3. These kernels are in the "edge" category as they include
>Ingo Molnar's realtime preemption patch. 
>As usual a _WARNING_, if you are happy with the current kernel and alsa
>drivers don't upgrade :-)

there's always the chance to be happier :)

>So... what's included?
>- 2.6.11-0.3.rdt: base kernel is + realtime preempt 0.7.40-04
>- alsa packages based on 1.0.9rc1
>  NOTES: 
>  . alsa-lib-jack-plugin is replaced by the alsa-plugins package,
>    as there is no tarball yet of alsa-plugins, the package was
>    created from a cvs download
>  . alsa-firmware is still at version 1.0.8
>  . the drivers include patches by Lee Revell to fix non-Audigy2
>    soundcards (there's a bad bug in the official 1.0.9rc1
>    release that hangs computers with those cards)

yep - it all seems cool on the ALSA front (i have an sb live with a live
drive 2)!

>As usual, feedback is welcome...

well, it all went without a hitch ... was expecting some trouble with
binary NVIDIA driver, but i just booted into the new kernel (without X
started) and installed the NVIDIA driver with the -K option ... not
broken with kernel update, thank god :)

as to performance, well, it's at least as good as the previous edge
kernel ... i've been recording and mixing a new song all morning, and
the only issues i see are ones that were already there (and seperate, i
think, to any kernel/alsa upgrade). otherwise, i'm getting solid
performance  with a frame rate of 512 (could probly go lower, but
there's not much point at the moment ... )

one thing i've been meaning to ask: i remember a while back, in relation
to a previous kernel's patches, it was suggested to run jack by setting
"Priority" to "60" in qjackctl ... i was wondering if this still
applies, and if not, what is the suggested setting ("0" ?) ?

something else i've noticed since about 2.6.10 is one of the first
messages printed when booting into a kernel ... something like "warning
- VIA: Padlock not detected" ... i'm guessing these kernels were built
on your laptop or something, and that this message is not important?
