[PlanetCCRMA] Sound (is it sound if you cant hear it?) above 22kHz

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Tue Mar 1 16:49:01 PST 2005

> Anyone got any suggestions on best PSU's/cases/case mods and eliminating 
> sound card/computer self noise (even above 23kHz).
> Thanks
> Paul

Wow.  Sorry I can't help you, but I thank you for doing all of the testing that points to the power supply.

I've had various other problems that have pointed to the power supply on machines before;  and now I'm starting to wonder if they are something to be much more carefull about.

Again, I really can't help you that much here.

I do have a little request.  If you do the audio test of the supply with the mic again could you stop the fan on the supply for a few seconds to verify that the noise is from the switching of the supply?

Next time I'm inside one of the computers we source audio from here I'll try to remember to check the supply lines to the drives.  One of the machines has a bunch of scsi drives in it and will be putting a heavy load on the supply.

Now that I think about it, maybe the old(snap a ferite(balum) noise suppessor around the noisy cables trick might help?  This all will only help electrical noise inside that may get to the sound card, but every bit helps.


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