[PlanetCCRMA] Install: CCRMA CD-Roms?

Mark Knecht markknecht at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 08:47:01 PDT 2005

Hi Josh,
   Everything should be downloadable real time while you're doing the
updates. No need to burn any CDs. First get the FC3 machine working
correctly. After that you can go to the Planet to get started.
Basically download and install the proper stuff for apt and then just
install the applications you want to use.

   If you ave troubles there are many of us around to chat with. I bet
you do fiine and we don't hear from you until you're rich from making
music using Linux. Please remember us when you're on 'MTV Cribs'.


On 6/3/05, Josh Lawrence <hardbop200 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm going to install FC3 today and put CCRMA on it.  I've read the
> fine manual, but there's something I don't understand (and granted,
> I'm not that smart sometimes) - once I get FC3 on my machine, do I
> have to d/l and install the CCRMA core from CD-Rom, or can I just
> install apt, configure it, and do everything from there via the
> internet?  I couldn't quite figure out that particular detail from the
> instructions.
> Thank you for your help.
> Josh
> --
> Bell Labs UNIX - Reach out and grep someone.
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