[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie question re: ALSA

Bill Bain bill_bain99 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 22 18:37:00 PDT 2005

Thanks for the reply.  Moving to Linux from WIndows
hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be.

Well, I Googled "Centos and Alsa" and found a site
that listed RPMs for Centos.  Alsa was listed so I
d/l'ed it and when it tried to install it, it reported
that Alsa was already installed!?

I suppose before I worry about installing new
programs, I should figure out what's already
installed, huh? :-)

I'm new to Linux, but there's got to be some method
for it to report what's already installed, right?


--- David Ford <dj.ford at ntlworld.com> wrote:

> Hi Bill
> As one newby to another - I don't think you can
> easily.
> See -

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