[PlanetCCRMA] Newbie question re: ALSA

David Ford dj.ford at ntlworld.com
Fri Jul 22 10:43:39 PDT 2005

Hi Bill
As one newby to another - I don't think you can easily.
See - http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/faqs.html#otherlinuxfaq
You're better off downloading the Planet 'complete' CD set (ie os and 
planet  and apt get already set up).
I tried to do it the other way but luckily gave up after a struggle.
In the end I found that it was just so easy to use the 'shrink wrapped' 

Bill Bain wrote:

>After years of frustration with Windows, I built a
>linux box (Centos 4.1), and installed a DMAN PCI card
>that I had kicking around and I confess to not
>understanding how to install ALSA, Jack, and the
>various sound editing programs, since the PlanetCCRMA
>packages speak to "fedora".
>Centos is Red Hat ER4 and I'm not sure I understand 
>the process that would be required.
>I know that these are newbie questions, so if, in lieu
>of wasting list bandwidth, there's a FAQ addressing
>the issue, please feel free to point me there.
>Bill Bain
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