[PlanetCCRMA] Audio recording problem

Ron Pepper feffer777 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 9 23:09:01 PDT 2005

My system is FC-3, but not the CCRMA version. Initially I had some
trouble getting my sound card (SB-Live! emu10Kx) to work, but thanks
to this forum and ALSA sound works pretty well now. 

I want a "radio Tivo" type set-up on my system. This should be
automated, so that the necessary apps would open at specific times,
record an audio stream and then stop after a set interval. Is this
possible? Is Audacity the best app to use for recording? I'm mainly
interested in 'talk radio' so sound quality doesn't need to be great.
Are there other apps that might be better than Audacity for simple
audio stream recording? 

If Audacity is a good way to go, then I have some problems getting it
to work properly. I got an error message from Audacity that other
programs are using ALSA. I checked the Audacity Wiki and turned off
system sounds. Now Audacity will open, but when I try to record an
internet radio station, I get the error, "Error while opening sound
device. Please check the input device settings and the project sample
rate." I'm still pretty new to Linux and I'm not sure how to resolve
this. Any suggestions?



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