[PlanetCCRMA] Pd and UC-33 Controller

Robert Gruendler dobre at gmx.at
Tue Feb 22 18:23:03 PST 2005

> The current version of Pd still uses oss for midi... sigh... is this on
> FC3? Perhaps you are being bitten by the lack of default oss midi device
> files in udev's configuration. Check to see if you have the device files
> and you have permission to open them:

>   ls -l /dev/midi*

> If there are no device files do this:

>   cd /dev
>   ./MAKEDEV midi

> that should create them. To make the change permanent (for now, I should
> get a package that does this for you) copy those files to
> /etc/udev/devices, they will be recreated on the next boot.

Thanks alot!! This worked. But i'm having troubles with copying all files 
to /etc/udev/devices/... i can only copy one file there: midi01

but i have created:

[root at localhost dev]# ls -l /dev/midi*
crw-------  1 root root 35,  0 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi0
crw-------  1 root root 14,  2 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi00
crw-------  1 root root 14, 18 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi01
crw-------  1 root root 14, 34 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi02
crw-------  1 root root 14, 50 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi03
crw-------  1 root root 35,  1 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi1
crw-------  1 root root 35,  2 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi2
crw-------  1 root root 35,  3 23. Feb 03:06 /dev/midi3

all others give me the following error on copying  (as root):

cp: „/dev/midi03“ kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden: Kein passendes Gerät
gefunden (which means: /dev/midi03 can't be opened for reading: No suitable
device found /* badly translated from german */)

Maybe you also have a hint for this one...

Btw: What exactly did /.MAKEDEV midi do????

Thanks for your help!


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