[PlanetCCRMA] apt-get Segmentation Fault on FC3

Charles Fox charles at robots.ox.ac.uk
Thu Feb 17 08:06:01 PST 2005

Hi guys, anyone seen this before?

I have an (almost) fresh install of FC3, downloaded from the CCRMA site.
I've followed the instructions for FC3, and have loaded apt with the FC3
CD ROMs.  Then next instruction is to do apt-get update which does this:

# apt-get update
Get:1 http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386 release [1423B]
Fetched 1423B in 10s (134B/s)
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/core release
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/updates pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/updates release
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetccrma pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetccrma release
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetcore pkglist
Hit http://ccrma.stanford.edu fedora/3/i386/planetcore release
Segmentation fault

Also if I try to get the core:

# apt-get install planetccrma-core
Segmentation fault

My machine is pretty standard, Pentium4/1.6GHz/Audiophile
soundcard/Broadband net connection.

Please help this is driving me nuts!

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