[PlanetCCRMA] Upgrade problems
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Feb 8 09:02:00 PST 2005
On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 08:37, Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 10:29:33 +0000, Andrew Longland-Meech
> <andrew at longland-meech.me.uk> wrote:
> > Hi nando, hi list!
> > Hope someone can help/give me a few pointers/laugh at me :-) !
> >
> > I had a PlanetCCRMA box that was working perfectly well under RH9, but I
> > decided it was about time for an upgrade (I know, I probably should have
> > left well alone, but I've got free net access at the moment and I knew
> > there'd be some pretty lengthy downloads!)
> >
> > Anyway, I upgraded to FC1 from some magazine cover disks I had,
> > installed the new kernel, alsa, apt and synaptic as per web-site
> > instructions, did an update then a dist-upgrade. Everything seemed to go
> > without a hitch.
> >
> > However, I now have the following problems (first one probably not
> > serious/worth bothering about):
> >
> > 1 On booting MySQL daemon fails with a timeout, and yet is running once
> > the system is up;
> >
> > 2 On shutting down, gets as far as "unmounting file systems", then
> > freezes, which means I have to shutdown "uncleanly", resulting in
> > request for integrity check on the next boot;
> Are you by chance using any NFS or Samba mounts? If you are, and
> especially if you are using any wireless connections, I've recently
> had similar problems. Adding a '_netdev' option in fstab seems to have
> solved these for me.
> >
> > 3 Most importantly both ardour and audacity segfault with no other error
> > message!!
> Humm...that's not pretty...
Yes, yuck! I would check for leftover packages from rh9. Also, make sure
that the configuration files for apt are indeed pointing to the fc1
repository. To check for planetccrma rh9 packages you could do:
rpm -q -a | grep rh90
Anything with "rh90" in the release should be replaced with the
equivalent for fc1.
Hmmm, and/or this:
rpm -q -a --qf "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} %{BUILDHOST}\n"
| grep -v redhat.com | grep -v fedoralegacy
which will print packages that were not built on a machine at
"redhat.com" or from the fedoralegacy project (or that have names that
include those strings, of course).
-- Fernando
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