[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Planet boxes as ogg client/server

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Feb 1 12:26:01 PST 2005

On Tue, 2005-02-01 at 10:15, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>    A bit more info:
> 1) I forgot to mention that both sides are running Gnome by default
> today. The server probably needs to be Gnome to suit my wife's needs.
> 2) I sat and watched a large file copy this morning as I dragged over
> a few directories to listen to. There was one long period where the
> copy process just stopped even though I could ping the machine and
> wander around looking at its hard drive. It turns out my wife had just
> started Sound Juicer to rip another CD. While the ripping was
> occurring for long periods of time it appears that the system gave no
> time to my network requests for file copies. I think this is likely to
> be the issue.
>    How do I optimize 2.6.10-2.1.ll.rhfc2.ccrma to favor networking and
> hard drive usage and to deemphasize CDROM usage? I don't want to kill
> either but I want network requests going to the hard drive for audio
> to get through much more reliably.

Hmmm, strange situation. I presume you need samba because you want to
mount stuff from windows machines, right? I have only worked with nfs so
I have no samba experience (can't dance either :-)

Anyway, I would take a look at the optimization of the cdrom itself, to
make sure it is using dma:
  /sbin/hdparm /dev/hdc
If it is not using dma try adding that:
  /sbin/hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc
(hdc or whatever your configuration is)
See if it makes a difference. 
-- Fernando

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