[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Getting started, but getting nowhere

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue Dec 27 15:36:01 PST 2005

On Tuesday 27 December 2005 23:40, D. R. Evans wrote:
> Getting somewhere now :-)
> I went back to the beginning and spent quite a bit of time trying to figure
> out why I couldn't use the RT kernel, since that seems to be the preferred
> one, and I wanted to get as close as possible to the configuration that
> most people here seem to be using.
> What would happen was that kudzu would kick in and give me a _very_ short
> amount of time to answer several questions -- and if I didn't get them
> finished, the box would continue to try to boot, but would come to a
> screaming halt after checking swap space -- it would just sit there after
> outputting "[OK]" after checking swap.
> So after many attempts to boot, I finally succeeeded in hitting the right
> combination of Tab, space and Enter keys sufficiently quickly to keep kudzu
> happy. (Goodness knows what I would have done if I had been handicapped --
> Kudzu didn't even allow one enough time to read and think about the first
> of several screens before moving to the next step in the boot process.)
> Anyway, once I got past the Kudzu step successfully, the RT kernel booted
> and immediately I could tell the difference. The machine was far more
> responsive. I fired up the CD player and... I could hear the music! It's
> not immediately obvious to me why changing the kernel also made the music
> audible, but I'm happy enough not to question it. I tried Jack -- works
> great. And ardour (which is the most important application as far as I am
> concerned).
> So it looks like I have a usable system. I'm now trying to solve an issue
> to do with gain levels; I'll work on that for a while and see if I can
> solve it myself.
> Thanks, everyone, for your advice, both public and privatee.
>    Doc

Hi Doc. It's nice nice to see someone taking all of this, in a light-hearted 
sort of way. I'm running quite a few distro's. FC1,2,3 & 4 soon, when I can 
find a bit of spare harddrive space, also Debian Sarge & Debian Sarge/Etch, 
and Gentoo, and, and Slackware 10.0. I moved to Linux wanting to use music 
apps, but have ended up spending more time keeping all my distro's updated. 
I'm not complaining, because I do try to spend a bit of time doing music 
stuff. have a nice time man. I hope to here some of your music when you post 
it to LAM. All the best. Nigel.
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