[PlanetCCRMA] Getting started, but getting nowhere

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 09:19:01 PST 2005

Paul Coccoli said the following at 2005-12-24 14:56 :

> For M-Audio cards, you need to use envy24control to adjust levels. 
> The program comes with the alsa-tools package, I think.  If you have
> the manual for the 1010LT, envy24control is very similar to the mixer
> program described there.

Yes, envy24control was installed automatically by CCRMA. All the controls 
are set at or very close to maximum audio.

> To play a CD, you need to make sure the CD player program you're using
> is set up to read the digital audio (CDDA) from the disk instead of
> just playing it and assuming the analog outputs on the CD-ROM drive. 
> I don't know if the default FC3 CD player can do this, but I think
> XMMS and alsaplayer can.

I'm not sure that I can parse the above properly; anyway, I am using 
alsaplayer. I don't know how to figure out where it thinks it's sending the 
audio, or how to change that. It seems to be reading the CD properly: it 
has downloaded the track information from somewhere and is displaying that, 
and the little slider that progresses as a song play is moving properly.

> BTW, if you're a long time KDE user, why don't you continue to use KDE?

Because I didn't realise that I could :-)

But now I went looking and saw that I have the choice. So I logged in with 
KDE and... there's a message from arts ("artsmessage") at login saying that 
it can't initialise the sound driver ("device can't be opened for playback; 
no such file or directory"). I don't know what that means (or, more to the 
point, how to fix it), but it is obviously bad. Back to Gnome, I guess. Or 
maybe I should just go back to Mandriva?


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